RTTN partners are a group of foreign, national and regional organizations who are interested to support the network development and joint projects implementation.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


The Russian Academy of Sciences


Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in scientific-technical sphere

UNIDO logo

UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation

RVK logo



Union of the innovative and technological centers of Russia


National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"


Ulyanovsk state technical university


Irkutsk state technical university


St. Petersburg state polytechnical university


 Tomsk polytechnical university


Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences


A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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1 Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Russia





  European Commission



Delegation of the European Union to Russia 








EBN logo



European Business Network (EBN)



beta technology (UK)




European Embedded Control Institute (France)




Fondation Sophia-Antipolis (France)



Intelligentsia Consultants Ltd




Fraunhofer Institut fur Integrierte Schaltungen (Germany)




European Science Foundation








European Membrane House



Technology Business Incubator “Kharkov Technologies” (Ukraine)



Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (Belarus)




ICT Educational and Research Center of the Yerevan State University (Armenia)




National Innovation Fund (Kazakhstan)

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The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Austria)




Foundation for Research and Technology HELLAS (Greece)


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ZENIT GmbH - Centre for Innovation and Technology (Germany)